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The Datum RPO Cross Channel World Record Flight 2017 Application

Entry Requirements
• Minimum of 50 P1 Hours
• Valid PPL/CPL and balloon documents
• Valid passport
• You must notify your insurance company of the intended flight across the English Channel and receive confirmation from them in the form of an endorsement
• Maximum envelope size permitted is 105,000
• We strongly recommend the use of an inflation tank
• Must have a minimum of 2 hour duration and we strongly recommend a minimum of 3 hours
• Must carry a paper or electronic copy of an air map for Southern England and Northern France, OS Map 179 with BBAC sensitive areas
• Life jackets are compulsory for all persons in the basket
• The carrying of a life raft is optional, due to weight restrictions
• We strongly recommend the carrying of immersion suits for all persons in the basket
• Ensure that all documentation for the balloon is carried in the retrieve vehicle and that passports for all persons flying in the balloon are taken in the basket
• Note to overseas pilots, the pilot in command and/or crew chief must speak English or a translator must be present at all briefings and in the basket during the flight.

Contact Information

Address 1:
Address 2:
Address 3:

Pilot Information

Date of Birth:
P1 Hours:
Licence Number:
Licence Held Since (YYYY):
Radio Licence:

Balloon Information

This balloon is unbranded. This means the balloon has absolutely no branding, logo or imagery of any kind.
This balloon is branded. This means the balloon has some wording/artwork/logo/imagery but is not an active commercial contract.
This balloon is branded. This means the balloon has some wording/artwork/logo/imagery and is an active commercial advertising balloon.
Select your Package
All entry fees include return standby ferry travel for one retrieve vehicle / van with or without trailer plus all occupants, pilot souvenir pin badge and basket banner.

Entry fees also include overall costs such as permits, licenses and fees, support boat(s) in the channel, PR activity, launch site costs, refuelling infrastructure (overseas pilots), meteorological services, safety team and flying committee services. Airspace and local liaison (UK and France) together with all administration costs for running the event which is a huge undertaking post Brexit.

UK Pilot - Anticipated

• Return ferry trip for one retrieve vehicle and occupants
• Official Basket Banner
• Official Balloon Pin
• Weather Briefings
Overseas Pilot - Anticipated

• Return ferry trip for one retrieve vehicle and occupants
• Official Basket Banner
• Official Balloon Pin
• Weather Briefings
• Up to 300ltrs of propane

Submit Application

I agree to abide by the rules and be bound by the terms and conditions of the event as set out in the Pilot Briefing notes to be issued prior to the event